80 | The Fundamentals

 With stock markets swooning and financial volatility back, we talk about the deeper trends underpinning our politics and our future.  Why have British governments never managed to fix the housing crisis?  What does the state of the American economy mean for Trump's long-term prospects?  And will a period of economic growth make our politics more stable, or are the wild times set to continue?  These are the fundamentals.  With Helen, Chris Brooke and Aaron.

The Fundamentals
Talking Politics Podcast

76 | Reformation Then and Now

Before we get stuck into 2018, we go back to the sixteenth century to explore another technology revolution that overthrew the established order.  John Naughton recently published his 95 theses for the digital age and we talk to John about the theology of technopoly and the Church of Facebook.  Plus we're joined by Helen to discuss the parallels between the current revolt against the elites and what happened five hundred years ago.  From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: where does this story end?

Reformation Then and Now
Talking Politics Podcast

73 | That was 2017

With Christmas round the corner, we pick some personal highlights and lowlights from another rollercoaster year of politics.  What are our most memorable Trump moments?  What stays with us from the UK general election six months on?  And, with all the usual caveats, what do we think is coming down the pipe in 2018?  With Helen, Aaron, Chris, Chris and David

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73 | That was 2017
Talking Politics Podcast

72 | Deal or No deal

This week we try to work out who's up and who's down in the great game of European politics.  Has May won anything significant in the Brexit deal?  Is Merkel any nearer to forming a government?  Is Macron the big winner from recent events?  Plus we ask what prospect of Martin Schulz getting his United States of Europe, and what chance now of Jeremy Corbyn making it to No 10.  With Helen Thompson, Chris Brooke and Chris Bickerton.


72 | Deal or No Deal
Talking Politics Podcast

62 | Where is the Centre?

Jeremy Corbyn claims that Labour now represents the political mainstream.  Is that really true?  Where does it leave the Tories?  What can Theresa May do about it?  We trawl the data to try to find the elusive centre ground of British politics.  Plus we ask whether mainstream regional politicians like Ruth Davidson and Sadiq Khan can speak for the whole of the UK.  If they can't, who on earth can?  With Mike Kenny, Professor of Public Policy at Cambridge, and Helen Thompson.

62 | Where is the Centre?
Talking Politics Podcast

59 | Pax Technica

John Naughton talks to Philip Howard of the Oxford Internet Institute about whether the digital revolution has been good or bad for democracy.  Will the Internet of Things usher in an era of universal peace or universal surveillance?  What happened to the hopes of tech liberation that came with the Arab Spring?  Is there anything we can do about fake news?  A fascinating conversation between two recovering utopians about the past, present and future of the internet age.

59 | Pax Technica
Talking Politics Podcast