87 | Facebook vs the World

With the help of John Naughton and Jennifer Cobbe we unpick the Cambridge Analytica story and get to the heart of the matter: what is Facebook doing to us and can anything make it stop?  We talk about the business of surveillance capitalism and the difference between a scandal and a crisis.  Plus how working in tech is like working on the Manhattan Project and how Cambridge Analytica is like the Australian cricket team.

87 | Facebook vs the World

59 | Pax Technica

John Naughton talks to Philip Howard of the Oxford Internet Institute about whether the digital revolution has been good or bad for democracy.  Will the Internet of Things usher in an era of universal peace or universal surveillance?  What happened to the hopes of tech liberation that came with the Arab Spring?  Is there anything we can do about fake news?  A fascinating conversation between two recovering utopians about the past, present and future of the internet age.

59 | Pax Technica
Talking Politics Podcast