59 | Pax Technica

John Naughton talks to Philip Howard of the Oxford Internet Institute about whether the digital revolution has been good or bad for democracy.  Will the Internet of Things usher in an era of universal peace or universal surveillance?  What happened to the hopes of tech liberation that came with the Arab Spring?  Is there anything we can do about fake news?  A fascinating conversation between two recovering utopians about the past, present and future of the internet age.

58 | Trump and Religion

We're joined this week by historian Andrew Preston to talk about how Trump fits into America's religious traditions - and how he doesn't.  Why is his support so strong among evangelicals?  What makes his foreign policy different from American crusades in the past?  Can Trump be saved?  Plus we catch up with the latest news from Korea - not good.  With Aaron Rapport.

57 | The Year Ahead

As the summer winds down, David and Helen talk about what the coming political year might have in store.  Is talk of a new UK political party just hot air?  What does Angela Merkel’s likely success in the German elections mean for European politics?  Will Trump’s presidency ever lose its power to shock?  Plus, we discuss who else might be on our political radars in twelve months time.

Thanks! D

56 | Macron and History

Two of Britain's leading historians of France, Robert Tombs and John Keiger, discuss the wider significance of Macron's presidency.  What does it mean for the French state?  What does it mean for the future of Europe?  And what are the French really thinking about Brexit? As the new film about Dunkirk does the rounds on both sides of the Channel, can Britain be accused of abandoning France to its fate all over again?

55 | America, Russia, Venezuela, France

We reconvene in the dog days of summer to talk about what's been on our minds.  Helen wants to know how the US Congress managed to agree a tough sanctions regime against Russia when it can't agree on anything else.  What does this mean for Trump and for Europe?  David wants to know why Jeremy Corbyn is so little damaged by his past support for the current Venezuelan regime.  When does ideology catch up with domestic politics?  Chris Bickerton wants to know whether Macron is coming down to earth with a bump.  How is he doing a hundred days in?


54 | What a Year!

A mash-up of some of the best bits of the last year.. as we look back on an unbelievable period of politics. With clips from TP guests: Mary Beard, Yuval Noah Harari, Pankaj Mishra, Thomas Piketty, Jill Lepore, and Michael Gove.. and of course featuring David Runciman and some of the panel. It ends with Judith Butler and one of our favourite ever moments on the podcast.