54 | What a Year!

A mash-up of some of the best bits of the last year.. as we look back on an unbelievable period of politics. With clips from TP guests: Mary Beard, Yuval Noah Harari, Pankaj Mishra, Thomas Piketty, Jill Lepore, and Michael Gove.. and of course featuring David Runciman and some of the panel. It ends with Judith Butler and one of our favourite ever moments on the podcast.

54 | What a Year!
Talking Politics Podcast

34 | Pankaj Mishra

In a Talking Politics extra, we speak to Indian novelist and historian Pankaj Mishra about his new book The Age of Anger.  He explains the deep historical roots that underpin the rise of populism and he explores what connects Modi and Trump.  He also tells us why the British general election might be just a sideshow.  Recorded at the Cambridge Literary Festival.

34 | Pankaj Mishra
Talking Politics Podcast