219 | Oh Iowa!

We try to peer through the chaos in Iowa to see who won, who lost and what it means for the future of this presidential race and for American democracy.  Are we heading towards a Bernie vs Bloomberg showdown?  What might happen at a brokered convention?  And how much damage has been done to the Democratic party brand?  Plus we review Trump's State of the Union address.  Great theatre - but was it great politics?  With Helen Thompson and Gary Gerstle.

218 | Are We Losing Faith in Democracy?

We talk to Roberto Foa about some of the findings in his groundbreaking new report 'Global Satisfaction with Democracy'.  Where are people most dissatisfied with democracy and why?  Is it being driven by economic factors or is something else going on?  And why does democratic satisfaction divide Europe north/south and east/west?  Plus we talk about what might happen to satisfaction with democracy in the UK post-Brexit.  With Helen Thompson.

217 | Trump vs Iran: Is it for Real?

David and Helen talk to Shashank Joshi, Defence Editor at the Economist, about the fallout from the killing of Soleimani and the future of American power.  Is Trump a madman or is he a realist (or is he neither)?  What sort of threat does Iran pose to American interests in the region and the wider world?  And what has all this got to do with oil and climate change?  Plus, in the week Trump's impeachment trial gets underway, we ask who or what can limit the power of the presidency.

216 | Predictions for 2030 with Azeem Azhar

An extra episode with Azeem Azhar, tech entrepreneur and host of the Exponential View podcast and newsletter.  We talk about Azeem's predictions for what will shape politics and technology over the next
decade, from climate change to artificial intelligence.  Plus we discuss the Dominic Cummings agenda: will the UK government really be able to harness the dynamism of the tech start-up mindset within the hidebound
structures of Whitehall?  The first of a two part special - you can find the other half of this conversation at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exponential-view-with-azeem-azhar/id1172218725 and the newsletter at https://www.exponentialview.co/

215 | What's the Future for Labour?

We are back for 2020 to talk about Labour's future after Corbyn. How can the party move the argument beyond Brexit?  Does the voting system help or hinder Labour's chances of returning to power?  And what to do about Scotland?  Plus we ask how much damage would be done if the next leader turns out to be the only man in the field.  With Helen Thompson, Chris Brooke and Chris Bickerton.

214 | The Great Abortion Switcheroo

 In the final episode of our American Histories series, Sarah Churchwell tells the incredible story of the politics of abortion during the 1970’s.  How did evangelicals go from supporting abortion to being its die-hard opponents, what did the switch have to do with the politics of race and what have been the lasting consequences for American democracy?