216 | Predictions for 2030 with Azeem Azhar

An extra episode with Azeem Azhar, tech entrepreneur and host of the Exponential View podcast and newsletter.  We talk about Azeem's predictions for what will shape politics and technology over the next
decade, from climate change to artificial intelligence.  Plus we discuss the Dominic Cummings agenda: will the UK government really be able to harness the dynamism of the tech start-up mindset within the hidebound
structures of Whitehall?  The first of a two part special - you can find the other half of this conversation at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exponential-view-with-azeem-azhar/id1172218725 and the newsletter at https://www.exponentialview.co/

217 | Pedictions for 2030 with Azeem Azhar.
Talking Politics Podcast