103 | The Next Referendum?

With more Brexit chaos on us, we cut through some of the noise to talk about a new report on the future of referendums.  How can we run them better in future?  When is it appropriate to have a second referendum?  What else can we do to reconnect democratic politics with the voters?  With Gisela Stuart, former Labour MP and Chair of Vote Leave; Jenny Watson, former Chair of the Electoral Commission; and Alan Renwick of the Constitution Unit at UCL.  Plus at the end some thoughts from David on where we are now.  You can read the full report here: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/constitution-unit/research/electionsandreferendums/icreferendums

103 | The Next Referendum?
Talking Politics Podcast

36 | The Tory Machine

What makes the Conservatives so good at winning elections - the most successful party in modern political history?  Is it money?  Leadership?  Luck?  We talk with Helen Thompson, Chris Brooke and Aaron Rapport about Tory successes and failures and we explore some of the inbuilt quirks of the UK electoral system.   Plus we answer some questions posed to us by listeners: How is Mayism different from Milibandism?  And what hopes for a progressive alliance?

36 | The Tory Machine
Talking Politics Podcast

5 | Live Special – Trump And History

On the night of the final debate, we take a step back to ask: Is Trump really unprecedented in the history of American democracy? Is this the worst campaign ever? What's gone wrong with American politics? With leading historians Gary Gerstle and David Reynolds, recorded before a live audience as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas.

5 | Live Special – Trump And History
Talking Politics Podcast