250 | What Just Happened at the New York Times?

In an extra episode, we're back with last week's guest Jonathan Shainin, Head of Opinion at the Guardian, so he can talk us through the big blow-up at the NYT.  What has it taught us about about the new battlegrounds in newspaper opinion?  Where does power now lie in newspaper offices?  And where does Jonathan draw the line between what can and can't be published?  In our next episode, voices on the ground in the US.

250 | What Just Happened at the New York Times?
Talking Politics Podcast

248 | Facts vs Opinions

David and Helen talk with Jonathan Shainin, Head of Opinion at the Guardian newspaper, about the challenges of political journalism in a deeply polarised age.  Is it possible to hold the line between news and comment?  Are the arguments about Covid a rerun of Brexit?  What can scientists and historians add to political analysis?  Plus we discuss how American journalism has changed the way it talks about race and
violence and what that means for the current moment.

248 | Facts vs Opinions
Talking Politics Podcast

119 | Democracy Hacked

We try to uncover the truth about fake news with Alan Rusbridger, former editor of the Guardian, and Martin Moore, director of the Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power. Why have elections around the world been so easy to hack? Can newspapers survive the age of free? And is anonymity a friend or an enemy to democracy? Big questions, big answers.

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