272 | Has Covid Rescued Europe?

This week we look at the big changes in European politics during the crisis and ask who has managed to turn it around.  Is Italy now a model for crisis management?  Has there been a reorientation in German politics under Merkel?  Can the EU rescue fund really rescue the European project?  Plus we discuss the long-term implications of big state politics for the future of Europe.  With Helen Thompson, Lucia Rubinelli and Hans Kundnani.

272 | Has Covid Rescued Europe?
Talking Politics Podcast

241 | What's Happening in Italy Now?

We catch up again with Lucia Rubinelli to discuss the latest developments in Italy.  With anger against the EU on the rise and regional divisions getting more acute, can the Italian government hold it together?  What is Salvini up to?  And will the technocrats try another take over?  Plus Lucia tells us what lockdown has been like for her.

241 | What's Happening in Italy Now?
Talking Politics Podcast