160 | A Mockery of Democracy?

Are the UK's looming European elections making a mockery of democracy, or is this how democracy is meant to work?  Would cancelling them at the last minute make the situation worse?  We talk about trust in politics, the threat to the two main parties, and the knock-on effects for the rest of Europe.  Plus we discuss what can meaningfully happen before the end of October, and whether the events of the last few weeks have done permanent damage to the Tory brand.  With Helen Thompson, Catherine Barnard and Chris Bickerton.

160 | A Mockery of Democracy?
Talking Politics Podcast

130 | The Fate of Theresa May

This week David and Helen try to make sense of everything that's going on: not just the Brexit drama, but its links to Macron's fate in France and Merkel's fate in Germany.  How will history see this moment?  Does Theresa May have any cards left to play?  Plus David responds to some of the feedback from last week's episode about votes for children.  Recorded on Weds morning before the result of the confidence vote, with a short update.

130 | The Fate of Theresa May
Talking Politics Podcast