68 | Jan-Werner Müller on Populism

This week, as one of our LRB author specials, we talk to regular LRB contributor Jan-Werner Müller about populism, Trump and the state of democracy.  Jan has long argued that populism is not just an election winning strategy, it's also a governing philosophy.  We ask whether Trump's first year in office bears that out.  Does he have a governing philosophy?  How does it compare with other populists, from Berlusconi to Modi?  And what difference does it make that he has a nuclear arsenal at his disposal?  With Helen Thompson and Chris Bickerton.

68 | Jan-Werner Müller on Populism
Talking Politics Podcast

67 | Trump and Tax Havens

In the week Trump tours Asia and with the Paradise Papers shining a light on tax avoidance, we talk about what's really going on: from the Mueller investigation to the latest developments in Saudi Arabia, and from Lithuania to Lebanon, we try to connect the dots. With Jason Sharman, author of The Despot's Guide to Wealth Management, historian Andrew Preston, Helen Thompson and Aaron Rapport.

67 | Trump and Tax Havens
Talking Politics Podcast

34 | Pankaj Mishra

In a Talking Politics extra, we speak to Indian novelist and historian Pankaj Mishra about his new book The Age of Anger.  He explains the deep historical roots that underpin the rise of populism and he explores what connects Modi and Trump.  He also tells us why the British general election might be just a sideshow.  Recorded at the Cambridge Literary Festival.

34 | Pankaj Mishra
Talking Politics Podcast