184 | Talking Politics Guide to ... Marriage

We talk to political philosopher Clare Chambers about marriage as a political institution. How does it reflect the power of the state? How does it alter power relations between individuals? Should everyone be allowed to get married or should we move away from marriage altogether? A fresh, radical look at something we often take for granted.

184 | Talking Politics Guide to ... Marriage
Talking Politics Podcast

70 | Jess Phillips

This week we talk to Labour MP Jess Phillips about sexism, Twitter and the future of democracy.  Has anything changed in Westminster post-Weinstein?  What would it take to make parliament more representative?  And how can politicians be more relatable?  Plus we discuss what Brexit tell us about the biggest social divides in our politics.  Jess is the author of Everywoman: One Woman's Truth About Speaking the Truth http://amzn.to/2Ajlqjk

70 | Jess Phillips
Talking Politics Podcast