120 | Francis Fukuyama

David talks to the author of The End of History about his new book, Identity.  Can 'identity politics' really make sense of everything from populism to #MeToo?  Why are liberal democracies struggling to meet their citizens' desire for recognition?  And what happened to the end of history anyway?  Plus we discuss the Kavanaugh hearings, 'getting to Denmark' and the challenge of an ageing population. 

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70 | Jess Phillips

This week we talk to Labour MP Jess Phillips about sexism, Twitter and the future of democracy.  Has anything changed in Westminster post-Weinstein?  What would it take to make parliament more representative?  And how can politicians be more relatable?  Plus we discuss what Brexit tell us about the biggest social divides in our politics.  Jess is the author of Everywoman: One Woman's Truth About Speaking the Truth http://amzn.to/2Ajlqjk

70 | Jess Phillips
Talking Politics Podcast