38 | Michael Gove

We catch up with Michael Gove, one of the leaders of the Brexit campaign, to ask how he feels about the future of Europe now. What difference will a Macron presidency make?  Will Theresa May have more of a mandate than any other European leader when it comes to the Brexit negotiations?  And how does he feel today about his notorious remark that 'the people of this country have had enough of experts'?

37 | Thomas Piketty

We're joined by internationally best-selling economist Thomas Piketty, author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century, to talk about the French elections and what inequality is doing to democratic politics.  Recorded a few days before the 2nd round of the French presidential vote, we discuss Macron vs. Le Pen, the failure of mainstream social democracy, and why Brexit was such a gamble.  We also talk about what needs to be done to reform the EU.  With Hugo Drochon.

36 | The Tory Machine

What makes the Conservatives so good at winning elections - the most successful party in modern political history?  Is it money?  Leadership?  Luck?  We talk with Helen Thompson, Chris Brooke and Aaron Rapport about Tory successes and failures and we explore some of the inbuilt quirks of the UK electoral system.   Plus we answer some questions posed to us by listeners: How is Mayism different from Milibandism?  And what hopes for a progressive alliance?

34 | Pankaj Mishra

In a Talking Politics extra, we speak to Indian novelist and historian Pankaj Mishra about his new book The Age of Anger.  He explains the deep historical roots that underpin the rise of populism and he explores what connects Modi and Trump.  He also tells us why the British general election might be just a sideshow.  Recorded at the Cambridge Literary Festival.

32 | John Lanchester

David and Helen talk to novelist and LRB essayist John Lanchester about banks, money and power.  Why have so few bankers gone to jail since the financial crisis?  Can the Euro survive?  Should we be more frightened of unaccountable power in Wall Street or in Silicon Valley?  Plus John updates us on how he's getting on with his Amazon Echo: it's scarier than you think.  In collaboration with the London Review of Books.

28 | Chris Clark / Germany and India

**Recorded + edited before the events of 22/3/17 in London**

We're joined by best-selling historian Chris Clark - author of The Sleepwalkers - to talk about German politics past and present.  How spooked is the German political establishment by Trump and Brexit?  How big is the threat to Angela Merkel from a resurgent SPD?  And how can Germany square its growing power with the legacy of its history?  With Helen Thompson and Chris Bickerton.  Plus Maha Rafi Atal updates us on the latest developments in India, where Modi's populism appears to be more popular than ever.